Sara Cameli


Sara Cameli

Finding inspiration from nature, Sara Cameli paints with an energetic spirit and examines the emotional atmosphere of the landscape around her. Her recent works reflect the changing moods of sky and water. Cameli received her BFA from the University of Kansas and went on to pursue a teaching career in Atlanta, Georgia. After several years of teaching by day and painting by night, Cameli decided to leave her teaching days behind and focus on painting. Since moving to Delaware in 2014, Sara has been finding the coastal waterways and marshes to be a powerful muse.

“Each painting is like an open-ended adventure and I’m never quite sure where it will lead. When a painting feels like it has gone beyond salvation there is this driving need to rescue it - to bring it back. This means there are numerous layers to each artwork and the result is usually a thickly built-up painting with little patches of past layers peeking through. It’s a very physical process.”


Caleb Mahoney


Erin McIntosh